
 WakeThePriestess - YouTube Channel





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FACTS ABOUT WakeThePriestess

WakeThePriestess is a YouTube channel with 0.9K subscribers and has uploaded 8 videos till date. This channel has a total of 48.1K video views from all around the world . WakeThePriestess channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for WakeThePriestess channel.

DETAILS ABOUT WakeThePriestess

Lucid dreams, visions, magic, shamanism, goddess history, priestess history, witchcraft, past life regressions....and so forth "When inward tenderness finds the secret hurt, Pain itself will crack the rock and let the soul emerge!" (Rumi) "I am not a body with a soul, I am a soul with a visible part called body" (Paolo Choelo) Wake the Priestess or the Warrior within! It is time we take back our true heritage as human beings: The quest for knowledge is no sin, it is our birthright. I believe that a true Warrior or a true Priestess is a person who takes full responsibility for her/his life. I believe in archetypes. Every woman is a priestess, every man a warrior - or the other way around, and that is just as sacred. To wake up to your inner divinity is the fulfilment of your life´s purpose, to enjoy the way to that state is the art of living. The key is to have no fear of what lies within yourself. We are, each and every one of us, the center of the universe, physical manifestations of the divine All-Soul. We are goddesses and gods that are going through an awesome challenge - the limitation of physicality and separation from the source - and we should all applaud ourselves and each other for having the courage to do so! We are worthy beings, and all we need when we come into this world is love, to be heard, seen and appreciated, and to have the total freedom to follow our dreams and express our unique personality, whatever that is. Respect and love to all. I love martial arts and am fascinated with the various ancient Ways of the Warriors, but I despise war for whatever reason. A true warrior is a person who takes full responsibility for her/his life and who uses his/her power (whatever kind of power) to protect those who are without defense. A true warrior does not sit inside a tank or a bomb-plane blowing up women or children just because they are associated with an enemy, or any thing like that, for whatever reason. Such warfare is cowardly and dishonorable and just plain sad. I do not take sides with anyone in armed conflict. An eye for an eye until everyone goes blind is just a tragedy and a crime against children growing up on both sides of a conflict, no matter how justified both sides think they are. There are only one type of people who benefit from war and they are the ones who earn money from it and in whose interest it is to separate and rule.


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