Mark OHarold or One Armed Pooh Bear Baits

 Mark OHarold or One Armed Pooh Bear Baits - YouTube Channel





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FACTS ABOUT Mark OHarold or One Armed Pooh Bear Baits

Mark OHarold or One Armed Pooh Bear Baits is a YouTube channel with 130 subscribers and has uploaded 97 videos till date. This channel has a total of 14.4K video views from all around the world and is a channel from United States . Mark OHarold or One Armed Pooh Bear Baits channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for Mark OHarold or One Armed Pooh Bear Baits channel.

DETAILS ABOUT Mark OHarold or One Armed Pooh Bear Baits

April of 2018 I had a Life SHTF, a Stroke, it really kicked my tail. Before that here in South Carolina, I loved to Hunt and fish, shoot, Archery, we live 1.5 miles from lake Greenwood, that has some good Bass fishing, it a small lake by South Carolina standards, maybe 35,000 surface acres. We’re 1.5 hours away from Hartwell, Russell, Clark’s Hill, Murray, witch are twice the size of Greenwood. And 2.5 hours from Santee Cooper, so there is plenty of fishing! I fish as much as I could, I made my own,rods, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, poured my own lead products, had a 20’ Bass boat, up to 2012, sold it and moved to Colorado in 2012 and that didn’t work out. Came back January of 2014. My younger brother gave me his 17’ Astro, with a 135 mercury, I did a lot of work to it, it worked out great, still missing my big boat in rough water. Since my Stroke I haven’t fished much! In December of 2020 I started painting Lures! EMail: [email protected] or [email protected]. Thanks for watching!


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