
 MarvinMartian96 - YouTube Channel

Venture Capital | Hospitality Industry | Event Planning




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FACTS ABOUT MarvinMartian96

MarvinMartian96 is a YouTube channel with 500 subscribers and has uploaded 28 videos till date. This channel has a total of 22.3K video views from all around the world . MarvinMartian96 channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for MarvinMartian96 channel.

DETAILS ABOUT MarvinMartian96

Welcome into my channel. Prepare to be brainwashed by epicness! (yeah, ok...) Anyway. I opened this channel back in 2009, just to have a place where to show off my Bionicle MOCs (Bionicle Gallery is... uh... well, you know... it kinda sucked imo XD) and stop-motion abilities, my main inspiration being Watatti and IBURION. I named it after one of my favorite Looney Tunes characters. Plus my birth year. Yes, I have no fantasy whatsoever, LOL. I kinda stopped my work in 2011 to regain a social life and dedicate to my other interests, such as music, but now I'm ready to rock again! Oh well, kind of. I once used to list here all the MOC contests I got a place in, but they became too many. F.A.Q.: 1. Q: What softwares do you use? A: Windows Movie Maker to edit videos and GIMP to add effects and stuff on photos. 2. Q: What camera do you have? A: A Sony DSC-W310 digital camera. Plus, I use a small, cheap tripod. 4. Q: Do you accept "sub4sub? A: No, meaning that I won't subscribe back "for free". Subscribe and I'll visit your channel, and if I'll find it interesting enough, I'll subscribe. All requests ("i subbed, sub back" or "sub this, sub that") will be ignored. 5. Q: How often do you upload videos? A: I don't have a regular schedule, I make them whenever I have time and inspiration to do that. 6. Q: Do you have a self-MOC? A: Not yet. Don't know if I'll ever have one actually. 7. Q: What languages do you speak? A: Italian, English, a bit of French. There's no need of complaining about how some of my old videos look pointless or just plain silly and childish. I'm the first one to say that. It was 2 years ago. .-. Other ways to contact me (please tell me who you are before you contact me, via YouTube PM): MSN/Hotmail: [email protected] Skype: marvinmartian96 GMail: [email protected] Facebook (only close friends, ask via PM) No consoles of any sort, before you ask.


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