
 WatchdogofAllah1 - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT WatchdogofAllah1

WatchdogofAllah1 is a YouTube channel with 190 subscribers and has uploaded 50 videos till date. This channel has a total of 113.1K video views from all around the world . WatchdogofAllah1 channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for WatchdogofAllah1 channel.

DETAILS ABOUT WatchdogofAllah1

All Politically Incorrect are welcome here My previous channel is being attacked/harassed via PM's and flagging campaign by brainwashed Muslims spreading their moronic backward Islamic ideology. And most likely it will happen here. I have no choice but to hide my subscriptions/subscriber list as well my friends list. NO MORE SPYING If you have received an invite from me and want to go through my friend list to see what kind of friends I have in terms of their views and believes and form an opinion about me then you out of luck. Please check out my recommended channels list (I wish I could put more there but the limit is 16) All those channel owners are my friends. I have friends from the following countries that I support with their fight to preserve their freedoms, culture and heritage. USA Canada Australia New Zealand Germany France UK Egypt Ireland Netherlands Belgium Switzerland Sweden Poland Bahrain Norway Finland Czech Republic Serbia Denmark Spain Greece Portugal India Philippines Lithuania Estonia Austria Hungary Slovenia Brasil Croatia Italy Israel Russia Assyria If your country is not on this list then send me an invite if you stand for what I'm fighting for. PRO FREEDOM OF SPEECH PRO-NATIONALISM ANTI ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION (read emigration) ANTI MARXISM/COMMUNISM ANTI-LIBERAL LEFT ANTI-POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ANTI-MULTICULURALISM. If you want to come to our countries, then obey your new country customs, culture, heritage and the law of the Land. You must accept SECULAR SYSTEM THAT EXIST IN OUR COUNTRIES !!!! NO EXCEPTIONS If you support SHARIA LAW then click the back button and forget my channel. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS WHEREVER THEY ARE . HONOR ALL THOSE WHO DIED ON 9/11-NYC 3/11-MADRID and 7/7-LONDON as well 1995 PARIS and MUMBAI and so many others _________________________________ Musulmans sur ce canal sont pas les bienvenus. Perdez-vous ou fatwa sera publié Muslime auf diesem Kanal sind nicht willkommen. Sie müssen nun abreisen oder Fatwa wird auf Sie deklariert werden ________________________________ It is the truth that there is freedom of religion in US, The Constitution is clear about it. However it also the truth that US Constitution regulates religions. The separation between the church and the state is the best example of it. If we accept any given religion as valid religion, that particular religion must follow that US Constitution regulation. As we all know Islam besides el


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