
 iheartwebkinz52 - YouTube Channel





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FACTS ABOUT iheartwebkinz52

iheartwebkinz52 is a YouTube channel with 0.9K subscribers and has uploaded 37 videos till date. This channel has a total of 11.8K video views from all around the world . iheartwebkinz52 channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for iheartwebkinz52 channel.

DETAILS ABOUT iheartwebkinz52

○●○OFFICIAL KINZTUBER○●○ STATUS: Hey its Steph, and i'm not making vids anymore. So if you wanna stay connected message or comment me and we can figure something out :) It was a great 2 years but its time for moving on. Bye ----------------------------------------------------- Hey, I be Stephanie(: Woah that rhymed.. kinda. Anyway, you can call me Steph ;D I love long walks on the beach and candle light dinners.. jkjkjk xD Anywayyy.. i'm kind of a freakk.. Well who isn't these days?? :)) I'm now a junior in high school and i worship the god who invented soccer!(: My sister is iheartwebkinz65.. her vids are almost as good as mine *pops collar* jkjk her vids are schweeet(: I freaking love pomegranites!!...and you. lol i loovee my friends soo much!! :D and i have AMAZING biffels!!(: I'm happy to make my own backgrounds.. and backgrounds for other people. Oh yea and im blonde.. i felt that was extremely necessary to add. Me gusta hablar en espanol. And i have an obsession with Asians(: And if you couldn't tell by this whole life story here i'm pretty random.. PIGIONS!! As you can see i'm not that interested about acting professional.. i'm interested in having a blast and eating good food... i love food♥ Uhh i hope you like my videos.. o.o and if i didn't scare you off yet.. talk to meeeee!! kthankyousomuchimgonnadiebye.(x I DO NOT SUB PEOPLE WHO ASK TO BE SUBBED / SUB4SUB SORRY. HaCkEd: -good way- Steph is an amazing person! she makes GREAT vids! She's kinda like a sister to me! We are closer then you think.. but not like that.. (kinda what steph said!) Break her heart.. I ll break yours. :) justt joking! ♥ This girl is da bomb. She's a soccer loving freak! So please subscribe? It would mean the world to me. Katie (nameiskatie) ------------------------------------------------------ Photobucket: http://s936.photobucket.com/home/stephaniexosoccer52/index Formspring: http://formspring.me/PumaStephanie Twitter: http://twitter.com/iheartwebkinz52 Skype name (tell me who you are): stephaniexosoccer52 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002247979523&sk=wall ------------------------------------------------------ ♥ⓠⓤⓞⓣⓔⓢ♥ "I'm intimidated by the fear of being average." — Taylor Swift "Love the things that make you different. Don't cover them up." ♥Taylor Swift GO AHEAD, Take chances. Tell the truth. Date someone totally wrong for you. Say no. Spend all your cash. Get to know someone random. Be random. Say I love


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