
 izzysykopth - YouTube Channel





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FACTS ABOUT izzysykopth

izzysykopth is a YouTube channel with 1K subscribers and has uploaded 263 videos till date. This channel has a total of 164K video views from all around the world and is a channel from United States . izzysykopth channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for izzysykopth channel.

DETAILS ABOUT izzysykopth

My Oath: I pledge my time, efforts, my resources, and my life. I will endure great personal sacrifice. I will face with zeal any ridicule or danger the enemy may present. I will never bow down to the killers of children and destroyers of our beautiful planet. I will NEVER sellout, give in, give up, NEVER surrender and NEVER be silenced until the enemies of peace are destroyed, justice is served, and freedom reigns supreme!!! An ancient foe has again reared its ugly head in the form of leaders acting on behalf of the devil himself. They have infiltrated every facet of our lives. Governments, military, media, entertainment, religious groups, the universities, local law enforcement and political arenas, even the medical and scientific community. Their diabolical experiments with weather manipulation are just one example of this insanity. My Jesuit Oath video and the Civil War music video dispel the Zionist only conspiracy. Yes the Zionists are in up to their neck as well. However, all roads lead to Rome. The geopolitical arena in the united states of America from our founding reflects a mighty struggle pitting the bankers, secret societies and the Vatican against freemen refusing to sacrifice their economic, religious and actual freedom. Between men still connected to their humility, humanity and conscience and men who have no conscience, and take a twisted pleasure in killing the children of the world. There is no left or right, liberal or conservative, republican or democrat and no tea party. They are all controlled by the CFR, Bilderburgers, Federal Reserve, Trilateral commission. Just a two headed snake proven by Obama's acceleration of the Bush doctrine. They are not only the enemies of Americans but the enemies of humanity and all life on earth. Watch warcriminal after war criminal, members from both parties, the Nazis/Bush family, Cheyney, Obama as well as other world leaders bow to their master Pope Benedict XVI and you will see who is behind the Holy Wars. The inquisitions/crusades continue to this day more secretly and deadly than any time in history. If you are an American taxpayer you are being used. YOU are funding this mayhem. http://www.zerotolerenceforwar.org/ 911: Something to consider: 87% of flt 800 was recovered from the BOTTOM of the Atlantic Ocean and reassembled on a hangar floor for the NTSB investigation. AFTER exploding at 13,000 ft and AFTER it hit the water at speeds where water is just like concrete. Why


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