霜月蒼士「霜月工房」(霜月工房) is a YouTube channel with 68 subscribers and has uploaded 445 videos till date. This channel has a total of 11.1K video views from all around the world and is a channel from Japan . 霜月蒼士「霜月工房」(霜月工房) channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for 霜月蒼士「霜月工房」(霜月工房) channel.
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Attach your phone and capture great quality videos. Supports three lighting colors: Warm White, Cool White and Daylight, each with 10 levels of Brightness to choose from, 30 lighting options in total. A Wireless remote that allows you to control your phone camera and take hands-free photos from a distance up to 30 feet. It is compatible with most iOS and Android phones like iPhone, Samsung, etc.
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