i left living my best life wyd here

 i left living my best life wyd here - YouTube Channel

Comics & Animation | Anime & Manga | Cartoons




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FACTS ABOUT i left living my best life wyd here

i left living my best life wyd here is a YouTube channel with 229 subscribers and has uploaded 0 videos till date. This channel has a total of 0 video views from all around the world and is a channel from United States . i left living my best life wyd here channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for i left living my best life wyd here channel.

DETAILS ABOUT i left living my best life wyd here

EDIT: (JUNE 8, 2022) sorry that i came across as harsh in my previous description. i want to clear some things up. i quit because of drama happening in my friend group(s) at the time that i wanted to get away from. my life wasnt going great and i had to escape somehow. no, i dont plan to give out my channel name publicly, i want to be on my own now. if you were previously a friend of mine, please don’t try to find my new account, i really dont want to share it. im doing much better now, and im not dead. im very alive and feeling more comfortable than ever. life is rough sometimes, but ive learned to live with that. i have new friends and have moved on to better things. nobody is holding me back anymore. thank you to everyone who supported me over the years, but im doing better now. im sorry if moving my account and deleting all my content upset you, but its better for me this way. thanks for listening to my rambles, have a nice day/night/whatever. see you on the flip side.


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