
 TaylorSwiftfan1010 - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT TaylorSwiftfan1010

TaylorSwiftfan1010 is a YouTube channel with 512 subscribers and has uploaded 61 videos till date. This channel has a total of 47.1K video views from all around the world . TaylorSwiftfan1010 channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for TaylorSwiftfan1010 channel.

DETAILS ABOUT TaylorSwiftfan1010

this is where i post my ballerina videos. hi. you can call me starr! wanna be fwiends? add me! hai there. i like making videos. and singing. and designing. i really want to meet mary kate and ashley. they're awesome. i don't type with capital letters normally. i don't like capital letters. everyone i know uses words to describe me like 'sweet' and 'nice' and 'quiet'. thank you! :D remember, if you're reading this and you wanna be my friend, add me! i accept all friend requests. if you're reading this and you're already my friend, thanks for your friendship! i appreciate it :D i think im boring to talk to because i like to talk about life and friendly things, not go on someone's page and be like OOH. YOU'RE MY MILKY UNICORN! that's what someone said to me before. (notice how i typed in caps). i do not like milk. so on account of that, their comment was deleted. lol jk :D ok i wrote 'adding more soon' and it's soon. so now here's a list of things i don't like: (ok maybe not a list but a paragraph.) i don't like teachers who think they know everything. its annoying. they do realize im not paying attention for a reason? your class is boring! ok like once, i was doing some serious daydreaming in science class. and my stupid gay teacher (he talked like a girl) said 'starr, what did i just say?' and he was smirking because he thought i would get it wrong and then he would give me a mark. (it's a form of punishment in my school) then, i said exactly what he just said and then he was like 'oh ok.' and he moved on. hahaha i got the last laugh! :D another thing i don't like is when people talk about others behind their back. say it to their face! another thing i don't like is when people think they're all that. and they talk like this: 'omg, like, i was talking to him, and like, he was totally looking at me like he totally, like, liked me. omg i think he's going to totally like, ask me out! like, omg, im going to have a boyfriend soon! omg!' STFU! that's sooo annoying! ugh! XD another thing i don't like is when GIRLS STUFF THEIR BRA. that's so freaking pathetic! grow up. if you're reading this and you stuff your bra, im sorry. but you should enjoy your body & not add TOILET PAPER to it. toilet paper is for wiping not stuffing. LOL ;) INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT ME: ~ I was born at 10:10 am on March 9th. My lucky number is 1010, my favorite number is 1010, and every time I look at the clock, it's either 1010 pm or 1010 am. (not literally ALL the time, but i do always


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