
 killthemwithfirelol - YouTube Channel

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killthemwithfirelol is a YouTube channel with 93 subscribers and has uploaded 0 videos till date. This channel has a total of 0 video views from all around the world . killthemwithfirelol channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for killthemwithfirelol channel.

DETAILS ABOUT killthemwithfirelol

I'll stop hating them when they stop giving me reasons to hate them. ┌─┐ ┴─┴ ಠ_ರೃ To be quite frank, I'm not a big fan of furries, their supporters, their media, or anything remotely related to them, and what little tolerance I've had has, of course, been sapped away by the constant whining of butthurt furries who don't like what others have to say about them and their non-stop, viralistic spread, and their double standardized bigotry. To me, being proud to be a furry is like saying you're proud to not be happy with who you are and/or not having the willpower or self-control to get a hold on your sexual urges. Instead of working on yourself, oh no no, why not just make a bunch of pictures of animals that kinda look or act like people, then hide behind those? They're so much happier and better than people, right? Yeah, that works! Lord knows that sheet of paper with a fursona on it has a thicker personality than you anyway. No one wants to know how fast you can draw a fox or what you do in a fursuit or anything, keep that shit on furaffinity, where no one who isn't interested has to deal with it. You're not a special exception to the rules of decency. Anthro animals don't exist. Reality bites. Hiding from it does nothing for you but further cement your reputation into the very gutters of hell itself, so wake up.......Wake up, and smell the ashes.... :) (It'll be the first steps towards becoming stronger on the inside, instead of on a sheet of paper or computer screen!!) I know not all of you apply to all these things, but I do know each of you is at least mentioned somewhere in my lists. For the extreme few to rise above this trash, show yourself, dammit!! I'm having a hard enough time considering the fandom on par with society as is! I'd like to meet a decent furry sometime. :D (I'm not saying i haven't met them, just that they're about as rare as 3 plane crashes occurring during a solar eclipse on Christmas, all within a mile of each other and within 15 minutes of the initial crash.......maybe a little more rare than that.) And for people who aren't furries, but 'support' them, do some research and cut that shit out. They're not the victims they look like, nor are they worth saving at this point.


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