
 eunicenortonarchive - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT eunicenortonarchive

eunicenortonarchive is a popular YouTube channel with 2.8K subscribers and has uploaded 610 videos till date. This channel has a total of 1.4M video views from all around the world and is a channel from United States . eunicenortonarchive channel is eligible for monetization. There are no reviews yet for eunicenortonarchive channel.

DETAILS ABOUT eunicenortonarchive

"An artist who can create such an atmosphere of intimacy, of lifting and carrying her hearers with her in the understanding and feeling of great artistic thoughts and emotions, has a rare and priceless gift which is denied to many spectacular and amazing performers." - De Telegraf, Amsterdam Pianist Eunice Norton (1908-2005) was a child prodigy from Minneapolis who was discovered by Dame Myra Hess in the 1920s and offered sponsorship to study with the celebrated Tobias Matthay in England. She won the London Bach Prize in 1927, and later became a devoted student and proponent of Artur Schnabel's. A regular on the stages of Europe, Norton became the most frequent woman to appear as soloist with American orchestras in one season when she played with five top U.S. symphonies in 1932. Then, she eloped with noted chemist Bernard Lewis, founder of the International Combustion Institute. The pair settled in Pittsburgh, where Lewis held a position with the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Norton was invited by Schnabel to perform the Goldberg Variations for a group of his friends in New York, leading to the first American radio broadcast of the piece. Schnabel also prompted the couple to form the Pittsburgh New Friends of Music chamber music series (later renamed the Pittsburgh Chamber Music Society) after discovering a lack of venues on which to perform his favorite type of music in the U.S. Norton went on to create the Pittsburgh Concert Artists, which organized outreach programs and performances for young musicians, and later the Peacham Music Festival in Vermont, where many pianists and listeners gathered each summer for her masterclasses and performances. Norton possessed a large solo and concerto repertoire, and frequently played ambitious concerts of complete cycles of works, such as Bach's WTC and Beethoven's 32 piano sonatas. She also brought premieres of new works to the U.S., including Hindemith's Übung in drei Stücken, Op. 37, and his Kammermusik, no. 2, which she recorded with Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra.


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