Derick The King of Guitar Hero 2 GTA Rockstar 74

 Derick The King of Guitar Hero 2 GTA Rockstar 74 - YouTube Channel





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FACTS ABOUT Derick The King of Guitar Hero 2 GTA Rockstar 74

Derick The King of Guitar Hero 2 GTA Rockstar 74 is a YouTube channel with 243 subscribers and has uploaded 487 videos till date. This channel has a total of 37.5K video views from all around the world and is a channel from United States . Derick The King of Guitar Hero 2 GTA Rockstar 74 channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for Derick The King of Guitar Hero 2 GTA Rockstar 74 channel.

DETAILS ABOUT Derick The King of Guitar Hero 2 GTA Rockstar 74

Derick Sandi Stacy Tiffany Quinn the fashion Club 2021 and Guitar hero 2 I Derick the king of Guitar Hero 2 I'm am a rocker and a singer and im Rock Star fan like Bully all Gta wwe and my favorite game is Guitar hero 2 and all game and Show too like Daria and more I rock on my friday night show on rock band I lesson and enjoy music my favorite band is the foo fighters Navana and all beat band not no generation future band or country music and playing game and enjoy and to stop bully and had good friends with no betay at all and enjoy the free world with no pain hurt siegel suffering no bad comment if you pissed me off I will unscheduled you on my channel. I made video with no codyright video I'm on the road to 300 to 1000 scheduled and i what to think all my scheduled to les be on YouTube for 3 year think you all. Remember this is a friendly rockstar game lesson music channel no fighting of yelling of no bad word call name if you do I will unscheduled you on my channel. 💯 Think You !


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