Kenny Benton

 Kenny Benton - YouTube Channel

Crime & Justice




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FACTS ABOUT Kenny Benton

Kenny Benton is a YouTube channel with 465 subscribers and has uploaded 2 videos till date. This channel has a total of 54 video views from all around the world . Kenny Benton channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for Kenny Benton channel.


I am the author of my life, unfortunately i'm writing in pen and i cant erase my mistakes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her ✿ڿڰۣ— x*K*x*K*x Tell me who owns you what soothes your heart, Who do you turn to when things fall apart?.... Do you turn to rage and scream "life's unfair," While ranting and raving that nobody cares? ..... Tell me who owns you what eases your mind, When true love and happiness is so hard to find?..... Do you withdrawl and hide in a shell, While privately living in your own silent hell?.... Tell me who owns you what feeds your soul, When darkness comes in and you don't feel whole?... Do you run to a pastor or some guru guide, To bless you and make you feel better inside? .... Tell me who owns you what's your driving force, Who helps you walk down your given course?.... Do you aim your sights at a world that is gray, In search of a love that will not go away?.... So tell me, who owns you? For the things you chase after are bound to become, Your God and your master!.... "Give up defining yourself - to yourself or to OTHERS. You won't die. You will come to life. And don't be concerned with how others define you. When they define you, they are limiting themselves, so it's their problem. Whenever you interact with people, don't be there primarily as a function or a role, but as the field of conscious Presence. You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are." ~ Eckhart Tolle~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Never Say it, if You Dont Really Care, Never Talk About Feelings if There Not Really There, Never hold my Hand If Your Gonna Break my Heart, Never Say Your Going to if You Plan to Never Start, Never Look Into my Eyes if all you do is Lie. Never Say Hi if You really mean Goodbye, And Never say Forever Cos Forever Makes me Cry xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Love Someone It Doesn't Matter If You Suffer It Doesn't Matter If You Cry It Doesn't Matter If You Fight Because In The End You'll Be Able To Say..... I Suffered I Cried I Fought BUT I LOVED YOU xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BURY ME Bury Me Deep In Your Heart And Hide Me In The Dark Dont Let Me In The Light Never Let Go Hold Me Tight Dont Ever Let Me Go Away Please Be With Me And Stay I Want To Be Buried In Your Heart Yet It's So Dark Even Tho You Love To Hate I Feel If This Is My Fate Please Love Me As I Do You Pleas


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