
 GohanSaiyanSide - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT GohanSaiyanSide

GohanSaiyanSide is a YouTube channel with 52 subscribers and has uploaded 1 videos till date. This channel has a total of 334 video views from all around the world . GohanSaiyanSide channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for GohanSaiyanSide channel.


{} Gohan {X} Saiyan Side {} Online {X} Offline {} Be Right Back {} Be Back Later {} Online/Offline http://x--katiekitty--x.deviantart.com/art/The-Struggle-Within-Prologue-124022454?q=gallery%3Ax--KatieKitty--x%2F10486023&qo=10 http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3973006/1/The_Twisted_Mind http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5014741/1/The_Twisted_Mind_II Piccolo hid his suprise, Gohan was giving him a choice? The namekian considered, Gohan was better in the air than on the ground, Piccolo was equally good on both. He looked down at the forest below and said "There will do," Gohan smirked and lowered down into the forest with Piccolo less than a second behind him. They faced off there in a clearing. Piccolo moved suddenly lunging forward with a punch but the saiyan tilted his head to one side letting the blow sail past as his own fist shot into the namek's gut with such force that it almost pushed out through his back. Piccolo opened his mouth to yell in pain, but all that came out was purple blood. Gohan smiled and sent a palm strike into the side of Piccolo's face with such force that a dent in the shape of his palm appeared on the naemkian warriors face, but Piccolo recovered suprisingly fast bringing his right arm around in a hooking blow but Gohan caught it with ease. A cruel laugh escaped his mouth as he lifted his hand, then brought it down on his mentors arm slicing it off at the elbow, Piccolo screamed. Blood flew out in a spray across the ground as the namek stumbled back, then he froze as Gohan placed a and on his chest. "Wha-" Piccolo began, but he never finished as Gohan released a shockwave that shredded its way through Piccolo's gi and nearly tore him open as well, the force of the attack sent him flying backwards thirty feet until he crashed to the ground. Gohan dusted his hands off, then slowly began to advance on his former mentor, and he spoke. "Its so funny how our roles have reversed over time isn't it? When we first started training together I was nothing in comparison to you, but now you are totally helpless against me!" "You are much stronger than me," Piccolo weakly admitted, then added "But you seem to have forgotten my first lesson," "And what would that be?" Gohan asked in a mocking tone. Piccolo gathered as much power as he could into his remaining hand as he shouted "Never drop your guard!" Then he released the large blast at Gohan almost point blank resulting in a large exlosion that engulfed a signifi


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