
 BeastLiberatedInc - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT BeastLiberatedInc

BeastLiberatedInc is a YouTube channel with 115 subscribers and has uploaded 13 videos till date. This channel has a total of 9.6K video views from all around the world . BeastLiberatedInc channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for BeastLiberatedInc channel.

DETAILS ABOUT BeastLiberatedInc

WARNING: FROM NOW ON I ONLY VOICE FOR PEOPLE I WANT TO VOICE FOR! DON'T BOTHER ME TO VOICE IN YOUR CHANEL UNLESS YOU THINK I MIGHT BE INTERESTED, IF YOU'RE IN MY FRIENDS LIST YOU CAN ASK AWAY, IF YOU'RE A GUY WHO JUST SUBSCRIBED SO I COULD SAY YES THEN GO AWAY, I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO THAN READING TROUGH SIMILAR COMMENTS, THEFINAL ANSWER IS NO, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHICH ROLE, I'M ALREADY VOICING FOR A BUNCH OF PEOPLE, EVERYONE WHO ASKS ME TO VOICE AS FRENZY, THAT I DON'T KNOW, WILL BE BLOCKED, EVEN IF YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE I VOICE FOR, THAT DOESN'T ALLOW YOU TO ASK ME, THEY'LL WARN ME FIRST AND I'LL CHOSE, ANYONE THAT I DON'T KNOW AND ASKS ME WILL BE INSTANTLY BLOCKED! In this channel I'll solely post updates for my future animations and the animations themselves Currently I'm co-working with Darksideprod1470 and the famous mnmtwinz for my future films and new series, I hope to hear alot from everyone who subscribes and every bit of help is apreciated. I am currently working on some films and scripts and I've been contacting some people that might join the channel as regular supporters if you wish to become one pm me and I'll get back as soon as possible, also all the current supporters can pm my personal channel(blhc11) if they wish to get the password for this channel if they wish to upload content, also if I'm on vacation one person will take over the channel for me, that person will receive the password for the channel and must give it back once I return, also the password will be changed after that period of time is over. post, comment, and talk in this channel as if your own, this is your territory, you are always a part of this community, if you like lego or just plain awsome, this is your channel. members of the staff blhc11(aka:me)/Henrique Correia: creator/animator/voice-actor(for several people, so if you need voices just ask)/supporter/bad a$$ muther f*#ker(aka BAMF) Darksideprod1470/ Hayden Souder:voice-actor/moc'er/supporter/ official pain in the a$$/official spammer of the channel because it's the only thing that makes him feel acomplished. TheLegoFan98: Halo Moccer/writting assistant/videogame reviewer/ occasional Voice-actor DUDE IS CANCELLED, IF YOU WANNA COMPLAIN, DO IT TO MNMTWINZ AND CAPTAINAWESOME0711 Thank you for yoru comprehension.


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