
 StopFundingIsraelNow - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT StopFundingIsraelNow

StopFundingIsraelNow is a YouTube channel with 146 subscribers and has uploaded 11 videos till date. This channel has a total of 3K video views from all around the world . StopFundingIsraelNow channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for StopFundingIsraelNow channel.

DETAILS ABOUT StopFundingIsraelNow

The Israeli Supporting ZIONISTS CAN BE STOPPED ! Stopped By Truth Stopped By Evidence Stopped By Exposure Hi I'm Steve Johnson... Thanks to EVERYONE who has supported my videos and helped me spread the ALARMING message of the ZIONISTS who are controlling the western countries of: Australia, USA, Canada, and the UK . Everybody needs to wake up that this has been a plan a long long time in the making and their plans are becoming known to even the common person on the street. Don't be fooled by so-called "heroes" taking it to them... Look who is behind them supporting these fakers... In fact these clowns have gotten SO DESPERATE they have sent cloned youtube trolls for damage minimalization. /dierassistische and /TexWhatever and /NoMoreAbusiveRacists These clowns will try and tell you that 9-11 truthers are NAZI racists. They will try and tell you that if anyone is questioning ISRAEL they must be racist. What THEY don't realise is people are a bit smarter than they used to be in the past and that just don't wash anymore. What they forget to mention is ISRAEL is the most racist genocidal country on earth. With a policy of total ethnic cleansing and theft of land from Palestinians.... This makes Israel the most hateful and most racist country on earth. Ergo, Zionist Israeli supporters are the most vile foul mouthed psychopaths ever to walk the earth. I know I regularly get death threats from them because of my research.. The lies and the deception they resort to is a symbolic act that shows they have little more left than to resort to death threats, jokes about my mom and name calling. Silly little boy schoolyard bully stuff... eh Dierassisitche? *(The Racist)_ :-D We must obviously be winning the war against racists then, especially when they are ringing the alarm bells so frantically. Especially when I report these arseholes to POLICE and they tell me .... "Yeah Steve, we've had a few complaints about that persons online behaviour...." BELIEVE ME.... The Police know who these people are. Youtube gives them IP addresses of these goons regularly. ;0) I myself would never attack anyone because of their religion, their culture, their opinions, or their heritage. HOWEVER.... What I certainly DO take offence to is the mass slaughter of people and the obvious lies used to try and conceal such crimes. I Certainly take offence to that. I take offence to anti-Humans. People who have lost the true value of ALL human beings being worthwhile, as scienti


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