
 RailfanDaniel - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT RailfanDaniel

RailfanDaniel is a YouTube channel with 683 subscribers and has uploaded 272 videos till date. This channel has a total of 387.5K video views from all around the world . RailfanDaniel channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for RailfanDaniel channel.


Hello, im Daniel. I have a big passion for trains, and have loved them ever since i was 2 years old. I used to live in the north end of Toronto beside the Canadian Pacific's North Toronto Subdivision. I would hear and see roar by my house 24/7. CP's North Toronto Sub is how it all started. I then moved to St. Catharines. I railfan more than i used to. I don't see CP very much anymore. I mostly railfan Canadian National's Grimsby Subdivision, their is a lot less trains then there once was. Although, my passion for trains has gotten much stronger. At the end of August of 2008 i decided to join youtube. I suggest all other railfans to do so as well. It was a great choice and i never regretted it once. Nearly all videos on this channel are subject to trains. Trains are not just trains, they are powerful, nicely designed, unique, efficient and there is a lot more to them. They will always be a great piece of history. Trains actually built North America right from the beginning and without them NA wouldn't be the same. Trains have always and always will be a great mode of transportation both freight and passenger. If you like my videos, consider commenting, rating, and subscribing. As of September 6th 2010, I am living in Toronto Sunday evenings to Friday afternoons and in St. Catharines Friday evenings to Sunday afternoons on many weekends. Sometimes I'll stay in Toronto the entire week. In Toronto, i live near the old CP North Toronto-Summerhill station and right beside the CP North Toronto Sub tracks. I railfan CP the majorty of the time locally. The house I live in in Toronto is the same house I previously lived in in my childhood. All videos have been made and are owned by me. Videos can not be used by other people without my permission. Thank you to my subscribers for 500! I know your wondering why I haven't uploaded any videos since March. Well I'm once again experiencing troubles in life. Hopefully soon I'll get it out of the way though. I can't wait to railfan again. To all those who witnessed the 9/11 attacks, some with their own eyes. Everyone that is affected by it. My prayers go out to you. It was a horrific day exactly ten years ago, and we will never forgive the terrorists who commited the act. Although, we can rebuild. Show that all of North America and even the world has recovered, and that we will not let the heartwrenching attacks 10 years ago not get in the way of our daily routines. Copyright © RailfanDaniel 2011 Thanks!


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