Direct Action Everywhere - DxE

 Direct Action Everywhere - DxE - YouTube Channel





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FACTS ABOUT Direct Action Everywhere - DxE

Direct Action Everywhere - DxE is a popular YouTube channel with 15.8K subscribers and has uploaded 987 videos till date. This channel has a total of 4.7M video views from all around the world and is a channel from United States . Direct Action Everywhere - DxE channel is eligible for monetization. There are no reviews yet for Direct Action Everywhere - DxE channel.

DETAILS ABOUT Direct Action Everywhere - DxE

Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) is a direct action network of ordinary people, formed using the model of grassroots networks in the history of social justice -- ACT UP, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Women's Social and Political Union, and the Antislavery Society. We aim to inspire ordinary folks who care about animals to take sustained nonviolent direct action via protests, outreach, investigations, community building, civil disobedience, open rescue, political advocacy, and many others. Anyone who performs actions consistent with our organizing principles can rightly claim to be part of our network. Our goal is the achieve animal personhood via Rose's Law: Animal Bill of Rights which guarantees the interests of animals are protected and enshrined in our laws. We will achieve revolutionary social and political change for animals in one generation.


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RECENT NEWS ON Direct Action Everywhere - DxE CHANNEL

Direct Action Everywhere activists allege misconduct and retaliation - Prism

Thu, 09 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT: Direct Action Everywhere activists allege misconduct and retaliation  Prism

Wayne Hsiung, animal rights activist, convicted of felony for rescuing factory farm animals -

Thu, 09 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT: Wayne Hsiung, animal rights activist, convicted of felony for rescuing factory farm animals

Radical Vegans Are Trying to Change Your Diet - The Atlantic

Wed, 20 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT: Radical Vegans Are Trying to Change Your Diet  The Atlantic

An animal rights activist was in court on criminal charges. Why was the case suddenly dismissed? - The Guardian

Sun, 23 Jan 2022 08:00:00 GMT: An animal rights activist was in court on criminal charges. Why was the case suddenly dismissed?  The Guardian

CATEGORIES RELATED TO Direct Action Everywhere - DxE

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