
 Gmanthehedgehog - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT Gmanthehedgehog

Gmanthehedgehog is a YouTube channel with 165 subscribers and has uploaded 391 videos till date. This channel has a total of 123.2K video views from all around the world . Gmanthehedgehog channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for Gmanthehedgehog channel.

DETAILS ABOUT Gmanthehedgehog

-2/7/10 yay I'm back XD after a looong time of being away from youtube I'm back. Videos won't be up often since I have O.O *dun dun dun*....high school...but I'll do my best to get some stuff up! -9/6/09 Alternate account now, link on website bar -7/23/09 John's Colorado departure, I'mma miss you sooo much man =( good luck in Colorado I'm twins with Xmaster963, we're both born on august 16th lmao (I'm his twin, not his lil' bro no matter what he says) I'm an easy to get along with guy (unless you're a plastic person) and go by the reasoning of don't mess with me or my friends and I won't mess with you and your friends. My friends are EXTREMELY important to me and they will tell you I'm too nice of a person sometimes but I can still become aggresive if I really want to. I came to youtube since I love my games and Sonic is awesome so I figured why not give it a shot. All in all I hope you enjoy my videos cause they will most likely be video game, anime, or sonic related. I AM NOT A GREEN SONIC!!! I'm a chao ^^ I have an obsession wtih Flandre Scarlet, a 495 year old vampire girl who has OD powers XD look up Touhou 6 and you'll prolly find her lol Any artwork on this channel is my own creation! Close/Youtube Friends John/Iamj0n ElxMexican (Touhou master XD) Koizumi/LeipoLicker MewMewHaruhi Xmaster963 other's without Youtube are my friends Brian(has a how to draw for his fan character), Edwin, and Brandon I'd like to note although the Chao Shorts series is my creation, the Chao themselves do belong to SEGA and don't think I have any affiliation with SEGA at all. Oh and yes I do everything in that series with iMovie and Final Cut and all the work (except maybe some voices) is all done by me ♂ + ♂ = ♥ love ♀ + ♂ = ♥ is ♀ + ♀ = ♥ love put this on your Channel if you agree with this Current Completed Playthrough's Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 Megman X4 (Both Zero and X Done) Sonic unleashed (Both 360 & Wii versions) Luigi's Mansion Sonic CD Ape Escape Playthrough Resident Evil (original) Megaman 8 Touhou 6 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Works in Progress Jet Grind/Set Radio Playthrough Megaman X5 (no armor) X playthrough Starfox Assault Playthrough Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles


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