
 HumanChemistry101 - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT HumanChemistry101

HumanChemistry101 is a popular YouTube channel with 2.4K subscribers and has uploaded 202 videos till date. This channel has a total of 2.8M video views from all around the world . HumanChemistry101 channel is eligible for monetization. There are no reviews yet for HumanChemistry101 channel.

DETAILS ABOUT HumanChemistry101

Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ ☼ N (aka chemical synthesis) Everything is made up of atoms, connected together and moved by electromagnetism (and gravity). HC101 is an educational channel on *human chemistry*, the study of chemical reactions between people, the 200-year-old underground branch of chemistry they don't teach you in school. The basic points of human chemistry are: (a) A person is a reactive 'molecule', made of 26-elements (a "human molecule"). (b) Stable relationship pairs are held together by chemical bonds (A≡B). (c) Favored relationships (reactions) are quantified by negative Gibbs free energy changes (the work energy output of relationships) over time. (d) All relationships, in any system, are coupled to each other via free energy coupling (energy-releasing relationships drive the energy-absorbing relationships). (e) Cyclical heat input from the sun is what drives the totality of existence. (f) The sun's spin is coupled to the spin of the milky way; which is part of a gravitationally-bound "local cluster", which is moving toward the "great attractor" at a speed of about 600 kilometers per second. "Social relationships and their conflicts [operate] symbolically [A + B → AB] and the moral symbols used in the natural sciences are the elective affinities [free energies] discovered and employed by the great Bergman [physical chemistry]." (Johann Goethe, 1799) I. The energy content of the universe is a constant quantity. II. The entropy [transformation content] of the universe is always striving to a maximum. (Rudolf Clausius, 1865) "Human chemistry—the study of the mutual attraction [and repulsion] of equivalent human molecules—is a science yet to be created." (Henry Adams, 1885) "Nature never undertakes any change unless her interests are served by an increase in entropy." (Max Planck, 1903) "The two laws [of the universe] are equivalent to the statement that the 'free' energy is always striving to a minimum." (William Bayliss, 1915) "The science of human thermodynamics, which controls the behavior of those complicated molecules, the members of the human race, should be able to predict the next million years of evolution of humankind's future." (C.G. Darwin, 1952) "Whether two molecules [people] will bind is determined by the free energy change of the interaction, composed of both enthalpic and entropic terms." (Julie Forman-Kay, 1999) Formulaically, as proved by Hermann Helmholtz in 1882, the above logic reduces to the fact that che


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