
 amazingsisters123 - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT amazingsisters123

amazingsisters123 is a YouTube channel with 227 subscribers and has uploaded 7 videos till date. This channel has a total of 94K video views from all around the world . amazingsisters123 channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for amazingsisters123 channel.

DETAILS ABOUT amazingsisters123

i accept all friend invites :) for rani: okay, so i THINK i MIGHT make a new series (MAYBE) which i call "fly". The story is about 2 sisters. 500 years ago, they were born with the powers of the sun and the moon, meant to keep harmony and balance in the world. However, secret societies were made (the society of the evil and the society of the light) without the girls knowing. One night, a society of the evil killed the daughter of the sun. The daughter of the moon was so sad, she plunged the world into a dark era for years. Now the powers are rested in 2 rings who are waiting for the next reincarnation of the daughters of sun and moon... Which would be Melinda (me, 15 yrs old) and Heather (my sis, 12 yrs old). The girls start their adventure when their parents drag them out to see a castle... in NY! i mean, who'd have guessed? Then they bump into some weird lady who claims she's from some "ancient society" and it is her duty to present two rings to the girls. Melinda and Heather, convinced this lady is delusional, just go along with it so she doesn't freak out. 4 days later, dark shadows try to attack them, but already the bonds have been made with the rings and protect the girls. Melinda goes to school the next morning just to see the granddaughter of the creepy stalker lady. She (Ella) and her grandmother (Ms. Raiis) "kidnap" Melinda and Heather for their own good; the soceity of the evil were planning to attack that morning. At the end of the first episode, Ms. Raiis, Ella, Heather, and Melinda all disappear in a burst of light... I hope to finish and make more episodes! ^_^   /l、 ゙(゚、 。 7  l、゙ ~ヽ  じしf_, )ノ Post Mew in your profile if you love warriors! - 3 words: I. LOVE. ANIME. (especially DNAngel :D) I wish I could speak Japanese. I can speak the Czech language. I draw my profile pic and background most of the time. I'm trying to figure out how to be a youtube goddess. Can someone help me out? x3 All bow down to Mark Crilley, the master of youtube manga O.O aaaaaaarrrreeee you booooorrrreddd yetttt????? :) Konichiwa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...Okay i'm done :P W Wa War Warr Warri Warrio Warrior Warrior C Warrior Ca Warrior Cat Warrior Cats Warrior Cats R Warrior Cats Ro Warrior Cats Roc Warrior Cats Rock Warrior Cats Roc Warrior Cats Ro Warrior Cats R Warrior Cats Warrior Cat


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