آدم ومشمش | Adam Wa Mishmish - Arabic Kids Songs

 آدم ومشمش | Adam Wa Mishmish - Arabic Kids Songs - YouTube Channel





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FACTS ABOUT آدم ومشمش | Adam Wa Mishmish - Arabic Kids Songs

آدم ومشمش | Adam Wa Mishmish - Arabic Kids Songs is a popular YouTube channel with 0.9M subscribers and has uploaded 298 videos till date. This channel has a total of 66.1M video views from all around the world and is a channel from United States . آدم ومشمش | Adam Wa Mishmish - Arabic Kids Songs channel is eligible for monetization. There are no reviews yet for آدم ومشمش | Adam Wa Mishmish - Arabic Kids Songs channel.

DETAILS ABOUT آدم ومشمش | Adam Wa Mishmish - Arabic Kids Songs

آدم ومشمش كرتون تعليمي للأطفال يعلمهم عن العالم من حولهم باللغة العربية. تعرف على آدم و مشمش! كرتون عن طفل صغير عمره سنتان، يحب المغامرة واللعب. لعبته المفضلة هي دمية اسمها مشمش يأخذها معه أينما ذهب. حين يغمض آدم عينيه يذهب إلى عالم الخيال حيث يصبح مشمش حياً. حينها يأخذ مشمش آدم في مغامرات يتعلمان اللغة العربية! حلقات جديدة كل أسبوع! حمل تطبيق تعلم اللغة العربية مع آدم ومشمش Download our Learn Arabic with Adam Wa Mishmish app now for a fun Arabic learning experience: https://adamwamishmish.com/learn-arabic-with-awm Arabic for kids- Adam Wa Mishmish helps children learn Arabic in a fun and easy way through song based cartoons. Based on Adam, a playful 2 year old boy who carries his favorite doll Mishmish with him everywhere he goes. Adam has the ability to close his eyes and go into a world of imagination where Mishmish comes to life, taking him on amazing adventures where they learn the Arabic language. Arabic learning, made fun! New Episode every week!


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