dbEPISODEofBARDOCK - YouTube Channel

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dbEPISODEofBARDOCK is a popular YouTube channel with 1K subscribers and has uploaded 4 videos till date. This channel has a total of 641.2K video views from all around the world . dbEPISODEofBARDOCK channel is eligible for monetization. There are no reviews yet for dbEPISODEofBARDOCK channel.


ドラゴンボール エピソードオブバーダック ~ Dragon Ball Episode of Bardock Setting: The events of this chapter begin in Age 737, just before the destruction of Planet Vegeeta, but go back to an unspecified point in the past prior to Age 720. The events primarily take place in one day, but eventually conclude 10 days later. Story: On Planet Vegeeta, the Saiyans were attacked by their boss, Freeza, for some reason. An injured Burdack floats in space just above the planet, along with many of Freeza's soldiers. Burdack angrily dashes toward Freeza's spaceship and demands that he show himself. Freeza complies and exits his ship, along with Zaabon and Duduria. Freeza calmly asks Burdack what he wants, so Burdack angrily asks why the Saiyans were attacked when they're all supposed to be allies. Zaabon laughs, and Duduria says the Saiyans were merely being used. Freeza further explains that the Saiyans have become eyesores, so he wants to be rid of them and Planet Vegeeta. Burdack begins to charge at Freeza, but Freeza suddenly creates a giant ball of energy that he launches toward the planet. Freeza says that it would be problematic if a "Super Saiyan" appeared, despite it being highly unlikely, as Burdack is caught in the planet's explosion. Or so it seemed... Burdack suddenly wakes up in a bed, in pain, and certain he was caught in Planet Vegeeta's explosion. He then looks out of a window and notes that the scenery and sky color here are similar to that of Planet Vegeeta. Just then, two humanoid creatures with frog-like eyes enter the room. A tall one named Ipana, and a small one named Berry. Ipana introduces himself and explains that he is the village doctor. He tries to introduce Berry as his son, but Berry suddenly runs away in fear. Ipana explains that the boy is shy around strangers, while Burdack ponders this race he's never seen before. Ipana then uses his village's secret medicine on Burdack's wounds, which is a fluid that Burdack thinks is a lot like the fluid in Medical Machines. Ipana says that even with this medicine, it will take half a month before he fully recovers. Ipana then explains that he had found Burdack unconscious at the edge of the forest and dragged him here, and that he didn't seem to be a fellow native of Planet Plant. Burdack remembers that Planet Plant was Planet Vegeeta's original name, causing him to wonder if he's in the past. Ipana then asks Burdack for his name and prepares to give him food, but he is suddenly interrupted by the sound of


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