Donald Fookin Trump

 Donald Fookin Trump - YouTube Channel

Music Equipment & Technology | Occult & Paranormal | Space Technology




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FACTS ABOUT Donald Fookin Trump

Donald Fookin Trump is a YouTube channel with 331 subscribers and has uploaded 66 videos till date. This channel has a total of 20.2K video views from all around the world . Donald Fookin Trump channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for Donald Fookin Trump channel.

DETAILS ABOUT Donald Fookin Trump

You don't mean anything to me....cause I don't love you now...You're so far away to me!!!! ~You mean everything to me... cause I still love you now... You're so close to me!!!! :) Once you loved me now you hate me? Once you hated me but then you loved me? Once I thought it was real Then I knew it wouldn't last . . . But now you love me again? I can't say all I see is darkness,cause you help me see light. I can't say I'm dead,cause you give me life. I can't say I'm lost,cause you show me the way. I can't say that there's no point,cause you give me a reason. and I can't say I don't love anyone,cause I will aways love you. ----------------------------------------------------- Marth (Me) + Roy (Yoko761) = Ike (ZERO9725) xD Made by me! Marth:Me I'm a Prince. Status:Single Crush:Ehh.. Pets: 2 Dragon. Haar and Zihark. Other:I'm can transform to a...wolf.. Master for wolf form only:Lee. (TheOfficalLee) Roy:Roysmyboi ♥♥♥ Ike:ZERO9725 ------------------------------------------------------ Brawl Code: 3308-9084-0502 and my username is FLASH or ALTEA. My Mains:Marth, Ike, Wolf, Lucario and Yoshi. (Maybe Pokemon Trainer.) ------------------------------------------------------ Right now I feel as tough.. I can change the world all on my own, I look at myself as I stand, visibly irritated. Though I worry, I fret and I fear.. I must decide. Because if I don't, the words you gave me will fade away.. You lit up my once-empty room. I look up at the peaceful blue sky and decide to open the sealed window. Right now I feel as tough.. I can change the world all on my own. ------------------------------------------------------ I won't tell you alot about me.. Well I'm 13 years old. I'm 5 foot 4, I think It's like this. 5'4. My birthday is on December 7th. Also I LOVE Yaoi so much! I draw Yaoi too!! x3 and I am spanish also, but I don't know that much spanish... I really want to know since I'm MexicanAmerican.., I'm REALLY really shy in real life.. people I know and are friends with (Not a whole lot like only 5?) I'm still shy around them... but I don't trust them fully yet.. but There is 1 person I trust alot.. and this is Fallon.. she is my best friend I ever got.. ------------------------------------------------------ Meanings of True Love. ♥A hug:I care♥ ♥Lifting up eyebrow●wink●:flirting♥ ♥Kiss on the cheek:were good friends♥ ♥Looking around:Hiding true feeling♥ ♥smiling at each other: I like you♥ ♥Holding hands:Im happy wh


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