
 tanyasbigbrowneyes - YouTube Channel





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tanyasbigbrowneyes is a YouTube channel with 336 subscribers and has uploaded 0 videos till date. This channel has a total of 0 video views from all around the world . tanyasbigbrowneyes channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for tanyasbigbrowneyes channel.

DETAILS ABOUT tanyasbigbrowneyes

The most precious jewels you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children♥ May 21, 2011 http://www.treatyrepublic.net/ http://www.awakeningblog.com/ http://www.green-enda.com/globalrevolution.html http://thecrowhouse.com http://lonwitness.blip.tv/search?q=lonwitness http://ensemble.va.com.au/tableau/suzy/TT_ResearchProjects/Hexen2039.html Aboriginal Sovereignty Section by Waratah Rose Gillespie On NAVAJO NATIONS visit in 2002 In searching for solutions, we can learn from the experiences of other countries. The people of Navajo Nation have found a way to restore and rebuild their nation, with its own dynamic cultures, laws, and traditions. At the turn of the (twentieth) century, the Navajo Nation numbered only 7,000 people. They were imprisoned in a concentration camp. They were also pushed of their land, taught new forms of violence, and suffered hunger. As a result they were forced into a dependency on the same government which had robbed them of their land and their source of sustenance. A dependency on welfare followed, accompanied by subjection of their people to control by police and other agencies of that government. Their own indigenous government had been suppressed, ignored, and some of their people used as a tool to control, as agencies of the government of invaders. Removal from their homelands was the most destructive thing that was ever done to them. Restoration of their homelands with de facto sovereignty made it possible for the Navajo Nation to rebuild and regenerate. The Navajo Nation has now grown to be the second largest first Nation in the United States, with population of close to 300,000 people. Following decades of struggle, some first Nation Native American Nations have concluded treaties that entrenched recognition of their sovereignty. Sovereign powers are now divided between the United States Federal Governments, the State Governments and recognised Native American Nations to set up their own courts, using their own language, laws and legal processes. I NOW SAY TO AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES AND AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE YES WE CAN. And its not about taking away peoples back yards, homes. To Australian people I say this, your grandfathers, grandmothers have journey to our lands in search of freedom and opportunity, to share this land with all other ethnic cultures, you are now part of us on our traditional lands, you are now part of us to care for Mother Earth and all her creations, to stand against the destr


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