
 saythis2me - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT saythis2me

saythis2me is a YouTube channel with 327 subscribers and has uploaded 7 videos till date. This channel has a total of 6.1K video views from all around the world . saythis2me channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for saythis2me channel.

DETAILS ABOUT saythis2me

Welcome, this is the official channel of H.O.P.E Life is a constant state of learning. One can never know too much, and there is always something new to be realized. LIfe is short, seeing as yesterday is gone, and tomorrow has not arrived. Life is the here and now, and if I died tonight, I'd want to know I spent my last 24 making the most. WARNING: This space is FREE FROM RELIGION! Jesus is not a religion. Religion is only a man-made term and practice that's been given to the life and times of Christ. This is only meant to discourage people from believing. :) PLEASE..We are living in a time, when GOD is making one last call to us. Believe in his son, Jesus Christ! Let him complete our heart with Light. When the planet goes dark, we do everything we can to illuminate it. We spend billions of dollars in energy, time, and earth's resources, in our attempts to light-up the dark. That proves we prefer Light over darkness. Hope for mind-opening so that we may see the TRUTH hidden before our very eyes O_O JESUS CHRIST is the True Light of the world. 2012 is something to think about! Let's not be scared of things we don't understand, but instead, embrace the possibility of "GOD" Life is like an APPLE TREE, It's a Test, and God is shaking the tree to see who is the strongest and who is the most capable of us human beings. Those who remain, hanging on, until the very end, in Faith, will be saved by God himself. We all go through death, and which of us, with certainty, can explain "death" or what happens afterward. We can't, so why play a game of (maybe) with our mortal soul. Skateboarders fly through the air at great speeds, on nothing but a little piece of wood with four wheels. They speed up hills and do twists in the air. They put all their faith, and even their own life, in the idea of the air, but because we can't see God or Jesus, we find it easier to deny he exists. It's time to wake up and realize, God exists all around us, just as the air we breathe into our lungs, which gives us life everyday. God is the air. To deny God is the same as denying air. That be the case, we wouldn't be able to breathe and we would suffocate. To deny God is denying redemption for our mortal soul, and when we do that, our soul dies, once we've completed living this physical life. God says in the Holy Bible, that to accept his son, Jesus Christ (YESHUA) as the one true Saviour of humanity, means we are given ETERNAL LIFE in Heaven, which i


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