
 rvguimaraes - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT rvguimaraes

rvguimaraes is a YouTube channel with 434 subscribers and has uploaded 14 videos till date. This channel has a total of 98.2K video views from all around the world and is a channel from Brazil . rvguimaraes channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for rvguimaraes channel.

DETAILS ABOUT rvguimaraes

A video channel about competitions, varieties and issues on motor sports. I dedicate this channel to the best driver of all times,....Ayrton Senna! I knew Ayrton Senna on the track karts at Interlagos, in the 70s. After that I never forgot him. Ayrton Senna lives! He lives in our hearts, in our minds, in our thinking, in our memories. His achievements will never be forgotten! I believe that Ayrton Senna is having a very important mission in another plane of life, and God called him to this mission. **************************** The letter Ayrton wrote to me: Sao Paulo, May 17, 1993 Dear Ricardo, It was with great satisfaction that I received your letter and I was very happy to know that you has accompanied my career since the time of kart. I'm working with full commitment to provide great thrills to the fans of Formula 1, always looking for better performance. However, the most important has been the support and affection of friends like you, who send me messages of incentive and stimulus to continue determined to win. I am sending you a photo as a souvenir and I also thank the photo you sent me. I hope you enjoy. Cordially, Ayrton Senna. **************************** About the accident of Ayrton Senna: According to the expertise, Senna lost control of the car due to fall in the steering column of his Williams. The document suggests that there was negligence of the technical team of repair made on the steering column. In November 1996, the withdrawal of the prosecutor Maurizio Passarini was upheld by Judge Diego Di Marco. Frank Williams, Patrick Head, Adrian Newey, Federico Bondinelli (one of the responsible company who ran the circuit of Imola), Giorgio Poggi (responsible for the track), Roland Bruinseraed (the race director), and the mechanic who welded to column direction of Williams were charged with manslaughter by negligence and recklessness. However, in December 1997, Judge Antonio Costanzo, acquitted the accused. In 2004, a television documentary from National Geographic called "The death of Ayrton Senna" was broadcast to the world. The program found the available data from Senna's car to reconstruct the sequence of events that led to the fatal accident. The program concluded that long period that the safety car stayed on the track did reduce the pressure in the tires of Senna, lowering the car. With the car lower, the chassis has touched the ground making the car jump toward making the uncontrollable. Senna w


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