
 BarnabasxCollins - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT BarnabasxCollins

BarnabasxCollins is a YouTube channel with 14 subscribers and has uploaded 0 videos till date. This channel has a total of 0 video views from all around the world . BarnabasxCollins channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for BarnabasxCollins channel.

DETAILS ABOUT BarnabasxCollins

Who am I to be afraid of the dark? I am not to fear, but to be feared. . .a monster of society. A menace. I feel there is no need for me in this world. . .not anymore. My life has become meaningless, loveless. My previous encounters with a witch has lead me to this undead state, of which is called "Nosferatu". . .vampires. That which feeds upon the humans, their blood keeps me whole, yet, even though tis my nature. . .I find myself hesitant and weary. I have brought death upon many over the years. They say I shall burn in hell for what I've done, but there is a hell and I am in it. ~ ::Name:: ~ Barnabas Collins ~ ::Mortal Age:: ~ 37 ~ ::Immortal Age:: ~ Over 5 Centuries ~ ::Race:: ~ Vampire ~ ::Orientation:: ~ Heterosexual ~ ::Relationship:: ~ Single ~ ::Love Interest:: ~ One ~ ::Fledgling(s):: ~ ~ ::Creator:: ~ I can not remember. F e a t u r e s ~ Long, Dirty Blond/Brown Hair ~ ~ Long Nails ~ Eyes: Glimmering Brown {Gold or Light Gold} Innocence/ Can Hypnotize Any Woman Against Their Will {Deep Gold} Depressed {Dark Red} Anger/Thirst Themes: Red ~ Hide Korn ~ Alone I Break Annie Lennox ~ Love Song For A Vampire Brad Fiedel ~ Come To Me The Beginning of Every Eternity, The End of Time and Space Beginning of Every End The End of Every Place Q u o t e s "For most men, time moves slowly, oh so slowly, they don't even realize it. But time has revealed itself to me in a very special way. Time is a rushing, howling wind that rages past me, withering me in a single, relentless blast, and then continues on. I've been sitting here passively, submissive to its rage, watching its work. Listen! Time, howling, withering!" "So this is how it ends. Your beautiful face. How quiet, as if you were asleep. Am I never to see your eyes again? So often, they looked at me with love, and I returned nothing but hatred. I was blinded by my fury that my rejection of you caused. And so, through the years, we battled and fought-and I never guessed that, beneath my rage, I felt a love as strong as yours." "The Collins blood always had a rather-persistent strength." "I wouldn't be a Collins if I didn't recognize that my heart, my soul, that my roots are here. And- perhaps- my destiny." "I was a Collins. Why didn't you protect me? Where were you when I was turned into something that even my own father loathed? If his ghost is there with yours - tell him I've come home. I claim this house as mine. I am free now. And alive. The chains with which he bound me


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