
 theprolifeguy - YouTube Channel

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theprolifeguy is a popular YouTube channel with 2.6K subscribers and has uploaded 72 videos till date. This channel has a total of 407.9K video views from all around the world . theprolifeguy channel is eligible for monetization. There are no reviews yet for theprolifeguy channel.

DETAILS ABOUT theprolifeguy

Life is a miracle.The preborn child has a right to life.Pregnant mother please make the wise choice to bring your baby into the world.Abortion is not the answer.The baby in your womb is a real live person,a human.At the moment of conception upon fertilization,at that very moment DNA is established..The eye color hair color facial features personality & I.Q. are set at that very moment for your son or daughter.....Those are all traits of an individual..There are no two DNAs alike as there are no two sets of fingerprints alike..& the baby in the sack has fingerprints..When you abort your precious unborn,you are essentially terminating the life of an individual that will never get a chance to be born ever again...Not to mention that preborn child is your own flesh & blood..That baby would eventually have children..You would have grandchildren,greatgrandchildren & so on..If you abort that one pre born baby,you are aborting entire generations of your own family.It is self induced genocide of your future lineage..Your family tree will be missing a few branches & leaves..Gerard Paul ********************* Pro-life **************************************************************************************Pro-God **************************************************************************************Pro-Love *************************************************************************************************************************Pro-Baby Its beyond me how the pro-choice crowd can deny that the baby is human upon conception.I know its called a zygote & then a fetus,but that is also a human being.A baby,a child.A boy or girl.A man or woman.By 18 days of gestation the heart is beating & can be heard on an ultrasonic stethoscope.By 10 weeks the babys hands & feet are perfectly 12 weeks the baby is really active & can swallow,squint & swim in its amniotic 16 weeks in the womb the preborn baby is a half of a foot long & weighs about one half of a pound.At that point the unborn baby has eyelashes & fine hair growing on the head.He or she can even hear sounds.As matter of fact the baby can hear the mothers heartbeat & voice as well as sounds outside of the womb like music playing on the stereo.The baby can hear the tv or radio.By 20 weeks the pre-born has fingernails,can punch & kick & has fully developed vocal chords & can cry even though you can't hear.At this time the baby is twelve inches long & weighs about a pound.By 7 month


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