
 UndefeatedQuantity - YouTube Channel

Credit Cards | Food & Grocery Retailers | Card Games




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FACTS ABOUT UndefeatedQuantity

UndefeatedQuantity is a YouTube channel with 46 subscribers and has uploaded 4 videos till date. This channel has a total of 303 video views from all around the world . UndefeatedQuantity channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for UndefeatedQuantity channel.

DETAILS ABOUT UndefeatedQuantity

I'm busy working on TeamDTF's Channel so just hit me up there thanks :D Fairplay of TeamDTF bringing the Undefeated Quantity my online shop =] What to expect: 1. If you come to us you send first 2. Be specific about your order 3. You must be subscribed to our channel to trade/sell/buy. 4. Do not back out of a deal or we will have to discontinue business with you. (you have 14days Max time to have your items shipped) 5. If you request a mat design the image needs to be big like 3000px X 2500px 6. The timing of items shipped depends on the amount of inventory, because if we don't have them we have to go get them so take that into consideration. 7. Items are shipped as soon as possible 8. Our items will be secured to ensure they are delivered safely and come with delivery confirmation. 9. We also include tracking on our packages so you know we sent it and will be receiving it ASAP 10. You will be required to include tracking, delivery confirmation, and provide all items with top loaders and sleeved so your items are secured, not damaged, and loss etc... 11. We are not held responsible for any items loss through the mail or damaged items we receive from you. 12. We will do TradeProofs to make you feel more confident about doing business with us and we will much appreciate it if you send back a video of you receiving your package before opening it. (If your tradeproof shows you with an open packaged already and cards are seen damaged we cannot accept your video as valid proof of our wrong doing). -Thank you for your time Wants: XXMONEY XXAbsolute Zeros XX Miracle Fusions XXGateways


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