
 navebucketdude - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT navebucketdude

navebucketdude is a popular YouTube channel with 1.6K subscribers and has uploaded 43 videos till date. This channel has a total of 2.2M video views from all around the world . navebucketdude channel is eligible for monetization. There are no reviews yet for navebucketdude channel.

DETAILS ABOUT navebucketdude

uploads of some of my favorite music. Also a little filming of mchs i do just so you know my top 10 albums as of july 2010 1. demon days - gorillaz why #1well.... the art style, the production, the guests, the lyrics, the music and the atmosphere. the album touches so many styles and does each one justice. the emotions i have felt the tears and fears the angers, the smiles i have experienced from this album . this my favorite i love all of it just the way it is. truely perfect. each time i listen to it i feel so many emotions and think so many things. i truely love this album. and i owe a part of my child hood to this one. this is the album that made me very interested in music. before this album i liked music BUT after music was my life. my goal in life is just to produce or make 1 song good enough to compare to one of the songs on this album. 2. unquestionable presence - atheist death metal at it's best. deep lyrics, amazing complex and jazzy music. and these guys can play circles around most death metal bands. 3. aja - steely dan the most jazzy and complex album from the masters of jazz rock. it's steely dan musically it is hard to get better than this. 4. zenyatta mondatta - the police perfect mix of reggae and punk. also great amazing lyrics and music. this one has got me through some tough times. 5. flight of the conchords - flight of the conchords Most of the thing when people think of great albums they forget all about the funny music. you know comedy music, music that makes you laugh! But this is a album were the comedy matches the level of musicianship. 6. blood sex sugar magik - red hot chili peppers the perfect mix of punk and funk. also it's the chili's! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT! 7. eternal nightmare - vio-lence thrash at it's best really the atmosphere is perfect the bass is hearable and the riffs are quite tasty and plenty. also very underrated druming this album has some of the best in the genre 8. Ænima - tool prog rock/ art rock at it's best. with the deep lyrics and the dark atmosphere. also the musicianship is amazing. each player is a master at there instrument. 9. damn skippy - lemon demon this is an album that will make you feel like a nerd( in a good way) not only is it funny but it is a one man project that is just strange but oddly familar. there is some thing for everyone in this album. 10. enter the chicken - buckethead this a a great varied album with many great guest


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