
 ReleaseJulianAssange - YouTube Channel

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ReleaseJulianAssange is a YouTube channel with 290 subscribers and has uploaded 0 videos till date. This channel has a total of 0 video views from all around the world . ReleaseJulianAssange channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for ReleaseJulianAssange channel.

DETAILS ABOUT ReleaseJulianAssange

HE IS NOT FREE AND SOME WANT TO KILL HIM! Google: "Petition to free Julian Assange Bradley Manning" and sign them all. Like many other people looking for unfiltered information and real "news" Wikileaks and Julian Assange came to my attention. After viewing numerous documents, videos and especially personal appearances and presentations by and with Julian Assange it became increasingly clear to me that this man and the organization supporting him is of profound service to us all, the world in fact!! The recently leaked diplomatic cables (Nov. 2010) prove that high ranking US officials are actually SPYING when overseas! This is "a new diplomatic concept" and constitutes espionage.... making them de facto CIA operatives! Hilary Clinton advised State Department officials overseas to collect the fingerprints, facial images, DNA, and iris scans of African leaders, to obtain passwords, credit card numbers, and frequent flyer accounts used by foreign diplomats, and to gather private information on United Nations officials, including Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. It clearly shows that this "woman" is a lying conniving bitch! No wonder then that she was publicly contemplating to resign!! The cables also reveal that Saudi Arabia leadership together with the US is ready to attack Iran. The data affords a deep understanding of widespread pathological schizophrenic behavior patterns! THERE IS A FUNDAMENTAL GAP BETWEEN WHAT IS OFFICIALLY SAID AND THEN DONE! THESE PEOPLE ARE PATHOLOGICAL LIARS BY DESIGN AND CAN'T BE TRUSTED! Leaking of "operational field report logs" in July 2010 prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that the civilian casualty rate in Iraq and Afghanistan is in the hundereds of thousands if not millions and the official US numbers are a lie! The toleration of Iraq forces atrocities is documented in the FRAGO 242 document/file, death patrols and the torture manual of Guantanamo speak volumes! Proof of MORE Black Water/Xe atrocities that we never even have heard about in the media. Seriously!! Did you know that most of the time there were/are more "private sector" AMERICAN MERCENARIES IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN THAN OFFICIAL FORCES? WITH NO LEGAL CONTROL AND OVERSIGHT......? AT ALL!! Exposing this REALITY VERSUS THE OFFICIAL VERSION OF "REALITY" and thereby exposing the military industrial complex to be the cause for the brutal deaths of millions of innocent civilians is the fundamental accomplishment of Wikileaks and Julian Assange. WE HAVE NOT EVEN


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