
 saythistoo - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT saythistoo

saythistoo is a YouTube channel with 283 subscribers and has uploaded 4 videos till date. This channel has a total of 2.6K video views from all around the world . saythistoo channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for saythistoo channel.

DETAILS ABOUT saythistoo

Welcome to the official channel of F.A.I.T.H Jesus Christ is the 1 & ONLY Son of God, sent to Earth to be a light in a darkened world. Accepting Jesus Christ is the Only Way to eternal salvation! It's as easy as making a new best friend. It's like waking up to love everyday as God fills us with his spirit in a way that human beings never can. We spend our entire lives searching for happiness..Searching for contentment & things to fill us up..but what we're really longing for is the womb of our creator, who bred us into existence. The same way a child longs to know their father here on earth. As humans, our souls long, on a cosmic level, for our "heavenly father" LOVE LIGHT PEACE HAPPINESS God is all this & more. TRUST HIM He's knocking at our door. FAITH is believing in things we can't see. We believe the air exists & fills our lungs to give us life, but to truly become immortal & never die, God asks us to believe in something we can't see..HIM & his Living Son, CHRIST! God created the DNA of Jesus Christ & sent him here to live in the earthly flesh, so that he may be a Beacon, & set a shining example for humanity, that we not fall by disgrace of our own ways, but that we might find Salvation within his loving, unending Grace. Time is at hand. Please Be aware of FALSE PROPHETS, & those coming to rule the world in the name of peace, but arise by way of political affiliation & the powers that associates them. Be aware of New Forming Worldly Powers. Death & Destruction shall follow them. If a major world-wide event takes place within the next five years, & millions of people disappear..It means the RAPTURE has taken place! It means God has returned for his "church" (Church = anyone who willingly & sincerely believes in Jesus Christ as being the son of God, is classified as the "church") If we are a believer, we will be caught up by God himself, & he'll save us from the hour of temptation, that he is to bring upon all the world to try the inhabitants of the Earth. We DO NOT want to be left behind for the 7 YEAR Tribulation. This will be hell on Earth & the Anti-Christ, or False Messiah will rise to extreme power, causing all those of the Earth, rich, poor, great & small, to take a number on their right palm or forehead. (Think of pc mouse & monitor, microchip) This number will be his mark, & the number will represent his name & his power over the world. He will come as a great leader, promising hope & healing to a world in despair. Do not be foo


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