
 CfsTehhWolfie94 - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT CfsTehhWolfie94

CfsTehhWolfie94 is a YouTube channel with 30 subscribers and has uploaded 13 videos till date. This channel has a total of 544 video views from all around the world . CfsTehhWolfie94 channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for CfsTehhWolfie94 channel.


ATTENTION TO HATERZ! this is just a little notice to haterz if i use clips of movies , anime that u dont like then keep ur crap to urself because i realli dont wanna know.. sure u can have ur own opinon but i really dont wanna hear it if u see something u dont like there is a solution for u click the X at the top of the page and problem solved! ~CFS (copy this on ur own channel if u agree) 95% of all teens would go into a panic if the Jonas brothers were on a 247 foot building about to jump to kill themselves. Copy and paste this if you are one of the 5% who brought popcorn, and chair, and scream, "Jump! Jump! Jump!" Zodiac sign : Dog :P R.I.P steph it doesnt seem like you've been gone for 6 months now.. Hey , i am crossfadedshadow Aka Cfs (for short) im a nice person but , i can be a bitch if u provoke me, I cant stand people Who r: Big Headed (think there all it) , homophobic (im not gay i just dont like it when people r like omg there gay i hate them),stereotype (judge people on looks before they know them)and basically just plain annoying and like to piss people off , if ur not one of these types of people then feel free to add me i give everyone a chance to b freinds with me but if u mess up then i may forgive u it depends on the situation .. i like to: have a laugh :D make amv's go on long walks draw Make new freinds and much more XD i cant write it all or i wont have room on my channel left i do speak my mind and i will say if i dont like something so expect the unexpected,.. so thanks 4 reading this and i hope u know a bit about me :D i may not be the best amv maker in the world but i try my best :) IF U DONT LIKE IT FUCK OFF ONTO SOMEONE ELSES CHANNEL NOTHINGS STOPPING U Questions and Answers Q; do u do sub for sub? A: no i only sub u if i like ur videos or if ur a good freind Q:are u a girl or boy? A:i am a girl believe it or not XD i have been called a boy lots of times its quite annoying. Q:do u take video requests? A: usually yes but it goes down with how busy i am at the time Q:can u send me clips? A:sometimes... but i its goes again with how busy i am.. i make amv's with lion king 1 lion king 2 Balto 1 Balto 2 : wolf's quest Kingdom hearts 1 kingdom hearts 2 Spirit the stallion of cimerron Bambi meerkat manor wolf's rain fox and the hound final fantasy x Vampire knight ██████ 100% Video Maker █████ 90% Wolf / meerkat crazy ████ 80% shy / freindly ███ 70% wolf's rain fan


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