
 dFiledClan - YouTube Channel

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dFiledClan is a YouTube channel with 711 subscribers and has uploaded 20 videos till date. This channel has a total of 20.7K video views from all around the world . dFiledClan channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for dFiledClan channel.


We Are dFiled 24-3-11 to 18-8-11. - Leaders of all time: dFiled_PhaQe dFiled_Phaaze - Co Leaders of all time: dFiled_ZerG -Loyalist members: (No Particular order) dFiled_ZerG dFiled_Murd dFiled_LaaRz dFiled_TuNe dFiled_Horizon dFiled_Aqua dFiled_Ninjaah dFiled_Saunderz dFiled_MMP Last note: Loved playing with you guys we where like brothers playing the game legit and also having fun while we where with each other and we also learned from each other and respected and argued amongst each other for the hell of it. Love mah boys (L) PG Jinx lives under his mams basement with his custom made PS3 People supporting us throughout our Adventure: "Start Fresh Again Pleeaasee!" - Mustafaaijaz "dFiled rock , PG stink , i wanted to be friendly but Jinx is a fuckin cunt wipe and has no life." -Ziqh [18:21:51] eLuZive Tuneh: dFiled was a great time for me, I joined when they had 200+ subs now to see that they have ended breaks my heart I wish this never happend, I cant thank Jake/PhaQe enough, he made me how I am today and every minute in dFiled was the best minutes! -TuNe "v PG Are bad . they setup clips , ino this cus they said SETUP Bro GOML PG , dFiled And SarGa FTWW:DD" - TehQuzzR "They said PG are fags, They setup there shit Now they Join cause they couldn't got offered to Join when Trickz got offered love yahs. PG watch out"- PhaQe "dFiledClan the amount of memories good times and bad times we have it has been the best experience of my life playing with you guys how much better and the amount of new people iv'e met I can't thank you enough Jake dFiled_PhaQe and everyone that has supported and kept us going over these long months thank you for all the support, likes and comments seriously I cannot thank you enough this will probably be the last time you will hear from me right this has been dFiled_xZerG and thanks again Peace im out!" -ZerG "im glad to say we've came far from the bad times and good times you can never forget Sometimes you have to move on, i get that but you didnt have to go when we've known eachother for a long time but still thanks for the memories x " - Phaaze "dFiled is legit :D, PG must have payed fora subbox spot due to the fact tht yu got 3k in 2 in a half months yu shit! anndd if yu try to say yu diiidnt, well theres wayyy better clans then yurs ( like this one) and they dont get 3k in 2 in a half moths dont they dumshits. go suk a dick bitches.. ALSO yur clan isnt legit PLUSSSS yu get ppl from other clans * cuz yur tras


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