Dalesnale - Noise Ambient

 Dalesnale - Noise Ambient - YouTube Channel





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FACTS ABOUT Dalesnale - Noise Ambient

Dalesnale - Noise Ambient is a popular YouTube channel with 105K subscribers and has uploaded 275 videos till date. This channel has a total of 47.7M video views from all around the world and is a channel from United States . Dalesnale - Noise Ambient channel is eligible for monetization. There are no reviews yet for Dalesnale - Noise Ambient channel.

DETAILS ABOUT Dalesnale - Noise Ambient

Ambient noise and sounds envelopes our world and have been a lifelong fascination for me. Endless sounds and noise, natural or electronic, can inspire the ears, stir the imagination, change moods and emotions. Be it ambient sounds like Pink Noise, Orange Noise, binaural beats, crickets or ocean waves. These sounds are presented with a fresh perspective and used to calm the mind, for relaxation and sleep, to focus and study, or as noise masking to mask distracting sounds is the environment or lower tinnitus ringing in some cases. Listeners often crave sounds simper than attention grabbing music. The long audio tracks offer deep listening. It's a fun and intensive creation process approached with care, attention to detail, positivity and love. I create and capture sounds, noise and video in the field and the recording studio. The audio is effected and mixed until it has simple sonic a focal point. Listener comments and suggestions help direct the process. Thanks for listening! Dale


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RECENT NEWS ON Dalesnale - Noise Ambient CHANNEL

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Tue, 30 Aug 2022 07:00:00 GMT: What is brown noise? Can this latest TikTok trend really help you sleep?  The Conversation

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Sat, 06 Feb 2021 08:00:00 GMT: What Is White Noise, And How Does It Differ From Pink or Brown Noise?  Mentalfloss

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