
 EclipseTheEclipsion - YouTube Channel

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FACTS ABOUT EclipseTheEclipsion

EclipseTheEclipsion is a YouTube channel with 147 subscribers and has uploaded 62 videos till date. This channel has a total of 54.3K video views from all around the world . EclipseTheEclipsion channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for EclipseTheEclipsion channel.

DETAILS ABOUT EclipseTheEclipsion

0 tolerance 4 swear words! Please don't swear on this channel! (add 2 ur channel if u don't use curse words) Bed Intruder lyrics: He's climbin' in yo windows, he's snatchin' you people up, so y'all need to Hide yo kids, hide yo wife Hide yo kids, hide yo wife Hide yo kids, hide yo wife And hide yo' husband cuz they rapin' errbody 'round here. ShineE "Ring Ding Dong" Baby I've fallen, so why treat me like this? Don't run away in fear but why not try trusting me. My lady Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong Ring Diggi Ding Diggi Ding Ding Ding (x4) Butterfly From the moment I met you, My eyes flashed, my head stopped and a bell rang ding dong Look, I may not be cool nice, or anything like that but I'm a pretty decent bad boy You're like a butterfly So weak, I've fallen So gentle, I've fallen I have to have you near me Don't worry any more, any more you only have to trust me I'm really digging you I can't let you go Baby You stop my heart oh crazy So pretty I can't stand it oh crazy I don't need anything else crazy Why am I like this? We wanna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka So fantastic So elastic fantastic fantastic fantastic fantastic elastic elastic elastic elastic Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding (I can only hear you) Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding (It's ringing in my head) Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding (My heart is calling) Ring Ding Dong Ring Ding Dong Ring Diggi DingDiggi Ding Ding Ding I call you butterfly As the days go by the idea that I can't escape you Gets driven in further Choose me (Don't turn away) Choose me (Don't run away) You have to take responsibility for this fool that's fallen for you Baby You stop my heart oh crazy So pretty I can't stand it oh crazy I don't need anything else crazy Why am I like this? I don't understand how you caught the kindness syndrome But it's okay if you sometimes break away from that stereotyped image Break out (hey) Break out (hey) Break out (hey) Break out (hey) Ding Ding Ding Ding Dong Dong Dong Dong Honestly I'm nervous as to how you see me, You might, you just might have a good impression of me. I can't help but be on pins and needles. I can't turn away Complicated girl Please don't respond with a 'no' I'm an pretty decent guy But I might go crazy Silly girl (silly girl) You're my m


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