
 SLBCompetitiveRules - YouTube Channel





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SLBCompetitiveRules is a YouTube channel with 231 subscribers and has uploaded 0 videos till date. This channel has a total of 0 video views from all around the world . SLBCompetitiveRules channel requires more subscribers for monetization. There are no reviews yet for SLBCompetitiveRules channel.


★Please take all of these rules into consideration. These are all the legit rules for competitve sniping, anything else you hear or see is not true. ★If A team calls in the ref he will spectate both teams to make sure no one does anything illegal. ★In A Clan match you play best of either 3,5,7,9.With 3 to 4 players on each team playing at once and 8 players max on each team(Not counting the ref).You can sub someone in twice during each game.Anything intentional while in A CM will result in A warning, you get one warning per game. If you get two intentional plays in one game, it will result in an automatic DQ for that Map. ★Before the 1st game of A clan match witch ever team is not host they get to pick the map and game type.Then before the second game they switch host to the other team and then the team that was host of the first game will get to pick the map and game type.If it goes into A third game.A neutral host will be picked and the team that host the first game will pick game type and the team that was host of the second game will pick map and side.Hope everyone got all of that. ★You can not double roster!If someone thats playing for your team is not on your roster they will get DQ'd.Simple as that. ★The HQ embassy glitch at the back of the map on Invasion is ILLEGAL!If caught doing it it will result in A DQ! ★In a CTF game if flag carrier is 3/4 to flag cap and host lags out auto Cap. If Flag carrier is 2/4 to flag cap with 3 or 4 enemies down auto flag cap. This only will happen if the other team is hosting and lags out. ★If everyone in game goes to 1 bar for more than 10 seconds HOST MUST end the game or DQ for that map. ★If your playing domination and your Team has 2 of the 3 cap points and the host lags out your Team will redeem the 2 points you had and the opposing team will redeem the cap they had. ★If your playing HQ and your Team is capping while 3 or more enemies are down and opposing Team host lags out auto 30 points added. If your Team Caps and opposing team Host Lags out Auto 40 points added. ▬▬▬▬Legal Maps and Game Variants▬▬▬▬ ★Headquarters★ Time Limit: Unlimited Score Limit: 250 Points HQ Lifetime: 45 Seconds HQ Activate Delay: 15 Seconds Respawn Delay: 5 Seconds Max Health: Miniscule Killstreak Rewards: Disabled ★Capture The Flag★ Time Limit: Unlimited Score Limit: 5 points Wave Spawn Delay: 0 Seconds Respawn Delay: 5 Seconds Max Health: Miniscule Killstreak Rewards: Disabled ★Domination★ Time Limit: Unlimited Scor


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